Hello Loves.!!!
here's another giveaway for you.! Madame Hot Lips will be giving away a SIGMA FLARE PALETTE to one lucky follower/reader.!!!! :)
You can join HERE. Giveway ends on November 15 so hurry and Join now.!!!!

Au Revoir,

iPod Touch 4th Gen 8gig, Bling iPhone 4 Case, and 2 Instagram Manila Magnets |
My Giddy Face. :D |
Hello.!!! It's me and the boyfriend.! We just arrived at the Digital Walker Cafe |
The Guy standing is THE CREATOR OF IGERSMANILA, Mr. Carl Lozano A.K.A. @cclozano in INSTAGRAM |
Check out this cute Bling case.!! My Boyfriend won this during the raffle. How lucky.! |
Yummy Food from Digital Walker Cafe.!!! :) |
Me with @pinkipop27 (top), a moderator of @Igersmanila who flew in from NY city.! Me with @alexascribe (bottom), the MOMMY of the Ekiks sisters :)) |
My Lovely sisters (Clockwise) @purplemeeh, @chechil, @rozendas, and @sojina |
More pretty girls (clockwise) @yzzellah07, @icalopezdeleon, @rozendas, me, @jok_only, @chingaaayyy, @yzzellah07 again, @peachy_rai, and me.! :) |
This was my photo entry for the first contest called #Filterrific. We had to shoot 4 subjects and apply filters to the photo. I used HDR then topped it off with Crayon filter. |
Well, actually my Boyfriend and I won the grand prize. It was a joint effort. If it weren't for him then I wouldn't have won it. :) CHEERS TO OUR NEW iTOUCH.!!!! |
This is my first ever NYX product.! I can't wait to try it.!!! :) |
"JEAN CLAUDE" is an inside joke between M and I. It's about the action star Jean Claude Van Dame. :) I call M Jean Claude. :) |